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Carolyn Hayek in Lover’s Point Park, Pacific Grove, CA.

This Common Sense Reflections Blog is my retirement hobby. It gives me a chance to share my thoughts and experiences with friends old and new and challenges me to keep up with the technology that makes this blog possible. This particular blog post represents my efforts to try out new blog functions, so consider it a work in progress. If something works well for you or doesn’t work or is confusing, your feedback will help me make improvements. If you have previously signed up as a subscriber or asked to be on my mailing list, you should receive an e-mail from me once or twice a month, whenever a new blog post goes out. Sometimes these messages do not go through or may land in your spam folder, so check back at my website periodically to see if you are missing my messages:

Carolyn Hayek

Use the form below to send me comments or sign up for news and updates (check the box for that).

Carolyn Hayek